Human Capital
We help organisations enhance their people capability through job design and analysis, training, performance assessment and skills development.
Talented people are core to the success of your organisation.
We have significant expertise in helping organisations enhance the capacity and efficiency of their workforce and people systems.
We will develop with you a detailed understanding of your organisational capability and your human resources environment. We will then collaborate with you to co-design solutions to your organisation’s key challenges.
Together, we can develop tools to empower your staff and ensure that they have the skills to achieve your organisational goals. Our services include:
Assessing people capability
Leadership analysis and development
Organisational development
Aligning organisational structures, capabilities, and culture
Nurturing leaders who can effectively manage and lead your organisation is critical to your continuing success. 360-degree feedback is a powerful leadership assessment tool that will give you invaluable information about your senior leaders. It helps leaders to:
Better understand their strengths and areas for development;
Improve their leadership style in a holistic way; and
Incorporate the honest feedback from a full circle of their professional influences including employees, supervisors, peers and business partners.
We have conducted a large number of executive coaching assignments with public sector leaders including Band 2 and Band 3 staff at some of the largest departments in the Commonwealth. Our coaching sessions have allowed our clients to focus and prioritise their efforts to achieve their organisation's goals.
Our significant experience and deep understanding of 360 degree processes and their value in supporting leader development means we are ideally positioned to assist your organisation to:
Build an understanding of leadership capability across the cohort;
Identify individual and strategic focusses for leadership development; and
Build and deliver cohesive, end-to-end programs for capability improvement in order to realise strategic objectives.
We consistently receive positive feedback about the quality of our reports and the ability of these reports and coaching sessions to translate feedback into realised, actionable development plans. Past participants have commented that the level of detail and the practical examples provided have enabled them to directly understand and address their strengths and areas for development.
We can help clients to understand and solve issues concerning job roles. A review of job roles may be undertaken systematically, or following a specific event such as a merger or organisational redesign. We have helped clients to regain or establish equity across roles by investigating, analysing and making recommendations on:
Skills requirements of the workforce – including qualifications, experience, education and training;
Work being performed – including functions, sub-functions, activities and tasks in relation to work instructions; and
Work settings – including purpose, goals, objectives and the resources required to achieve certain outputs.
Successful job design in your organisation will lead to greater satisfaction levels among staff in terms of clear career pathways and training opportunities. Job design can also be used to ensure your organisation is ready for the requirements of new legislation.
Strategic workforce planning is crucial for realigning corporate and strategic objectives in the face of organisational change. Whether it be through the imminent loss of corporate knowledge through employee exits or the need to review skills requirements in the face of a rapidly changing division.
We are well placed to provide your executive team with sound strategic advice, insight, options and recommendations based on your specific situation. Our advice is always grounded in best practice from our experience of working with comparable organisations.
Building and maintaining the right people and delivery models can be challenging due to technological changes, demographic shifts, community and government expectations, and financial and people resource availability. We will support you to implement solutions that help address these impacts, by ensuring you align your business and people high-level strategies, embrace data to support your decisions, and address the most critical capability gaps.
As well as facilitating learning programs, our consultants have expertise across the whole learning and development lifecycle. This includes extensive experience in undertaking evaluations of existing learning programs (with a view to redesign) as well as the research, design, development and delivery of new learning material. We can help your organisation to:
Identify your learning needs with a learning needs analysis and strategy;
Evaluate existing learning programs to ensure they are meeting the needs of participants;
Redesign programs to better suit the needs of learners; and
Design, develop and deliver programs.
Culture is one of the strongest forces that pushes an organisation towards or away from achieving its goals. Unlike process or HR issues however, culture can often be invisible and very difficult to identify.
Our Managing Director, Lisa Koch, has a strong academic background in organisational psychology and the effect of culture on organisations. Combining this detailed knowledge with the ability to listen and understand your organisational context and requirements, we will be able to help you identify and address any cultural problems that your organisation is facing.
Case studies
Structural review and workforce planning
We were engaged to undertake a structural review and workforce planning project for one of the client’s key master programs.
Leadership training case study
We were engaged by the organisation to assist them in developing training for the delivery of services to BHP Billiton.
Let’s talk about your project
We’ll connect you with one of our principal consultants to discuss how Fyusion can help superboost your business.