Executive capability assessment
The Client:
A large Commonwealth Government Agency
The Project:
We conducted Multi-Source Feedback (MSF) processes (also known as 360-degree feedback) for 21 Band 2 SES staff across the organisation. The staff were from various areas including Client Engagement, Service Delivery, Enterprise Solutions and Technology, Client Engagement, Law Design and Practice Groups. We also completed this process for two Band 1 leaders identified as Solid Contributors within the organisation’s performance framework.
The Approach:
As part of this process, participants are interviewed and asked to reflect on their leadership style and experiences against the capabilities set out in the APS Leadership Capability Framework. In addition to this, feedback from ten feedback providers for each leader, including direct reports, team members, peers, managers and external stakeholders, is sought via interviews to provide a 360-degree view of the leadership of the participant.
Based on the interview data, we developed a detailed MSF report for each SES participant in the process. This report gives participants and their manager’s direct and in-depth feedback about their performance in each of the capability areas, in the form of qualitative feedback from interviewees, workplace examples, and numerical ratings. It also provides the participant with an overview of their leadership strengths and areas for development, and a development program in response to identified opportunities.
The Outcome:
Based on the MSF processes conducted across the leadership cohort, we have developed a Strategic HR Capability Assessment of the Band 2 leadership group. This assessment identified:
Key themes and areas of opportunity from the MSF process across the cohort;
Areas in which the leadership cohort will require further development in the future;
Potential areas of capability development and HR support focus for current Band 1 SES.
Based on this assessment, we were further commissioned to design and deliver a series of Executive Masterclasses to address some of the areas for development identified.