Development of a sub-panel
The Client:
A major NSW government department.
The Project:
We were engaged to establish a panel of suitable providers to supply training, coaching and facilitation services as required for the client. The type of service requirement varied according to sub-capabilities required for each engagement. A recent change in the procurement guidelines placed a significant additional workload on the client. The panel aimed to streamline the supplier engagement process in order to increase focus on client service and to improve the timely delivery of capability development initiatives.
The Approach:
We assisted in the overall procurement exercise. This involved gathering detailed requirements from across the Department and formulating this into a scope of requirements for the tender documents. We conducted background research and liaised with key stakeholders in order to gather information about existing arrangements and to take into account any specific requirements. Feedback from key stakeholders was incorporated into the development of the sourcing strategy and tender documentation. We also ensured that probity was maintained throughout the process and oversaw the evaluation process.
The Outcome:
The client was able to establish a sub-panel of seventy Organisational Development suppliers which satisfied all requested sub-capabilities.
The panel was successful in streamlining the supplier engagement process in order to increase focus on client service and to improve the timely delivery of capability development initiatives. This also provided an opportunity to reduce duplication of effort within the Department and to reduce workload and costs for the client.